Wow, this week has some very nice choices for my "Must Read of the Week," but I am going to focus mainly on a great book by one of my favorite writers, Justice League: Cry for Justice.
This seven issue mini-series is by none other than James Robinson (author of my FAVORITE comic from a few years back: Starman) with lovely art by Mauro Cascioli. This book is well worth the $3.99 price tag. It's on high quality paper with a glossy cover, 22 pages of story along with a 2 page Origin Story featuring Congo Bill this time, and the most appealing part of this book, at least for me, is the additional 5 pages of notes written by James Robinson about the book. (Each issue will contain both a 2 page origin story for one of the main characters and a few pages of notes by Robinson). His commentary track has accompanying art focusing on both the current series, Cry for Justice, and some examples of various Silver Age and Golden Age cover and panel reprints of The Atom, Actin Comics, and Congo Bill.
I can not recommend this book enough, especially to fans of Robinson's Starman, JSA: Golden Age, or JLA in general. It looks like this book is going to be about a varied bunch of DCU characters, old favorites such as Green Lantern and Green Arrow, as well as those from the fringes like Mikaal the otherworldy Starman, and Congobill, the gorilla man from DC's Golden Age. These characters as well a few others that are yet to appear in the Cry for Justice (Robinson names Supergirl, Freddy Freeman, Ray Palmer and Batwoman as future members of this team) all have one thing in common; they all have a need for JUSTICE. Yeah, it's about time that someone in the DCU starts taking names and kicking ass. Enough is enough and someone has to pay for all the carnage that has occurred in recent months/years in the DCU. Robinson says the events of this 7 issue series will lead directly into his run on the ongoing Justice League of America book. This is most excellent news. I was looking forward to reading Robinson's upcoming run on JLA, and now I have even more incentive to be sure to pick it up.
After heaping mounds of praise on Robinson for this effort, I must not forget his partner, artist Mauro Cascioli. Mauro was the artist on DC's Power of Shazam book back in the day. Interesting note: Power of Shazam was coming out as the same time as Robinson's Starman, in fact I distinctly remember a Starman/Power of Shazam crossover somewhere in the middle all that. Coincidence? I think not, but I am perfectly ok with it, since the results are wonderful. It appears that Mauro is coloring his own work for this series and it looks SO good! I love when an artist has the opportunity to color his own pages, it doesn't happen all that often, but it is almost always a special treat when it does, and Cascioli does not disappoint.
Overall, well played DC, well played. I applaud everyone's efforts on this book, and will be eagerly awaiting the next issue.
All DCU fans, all JLA fans, all Golden Age fans, and all James Robinson fans need to try this book! Get yours today from your local A/F or call with your request and we will gladly hold it for you so don't miss this book!
I would also like to mention a "thumbs up" for Vertigo's new $1 #1 that shipped this week: Greek Street! I will try to review that soon. It is very much worth your hard earned dollar!
I was very underwhelmed by the 5-page preview DC put out for this book recently, but maybe I will give it a look now. Opinion seems very split on it, with some people loving it (it got a 5-star review on CBR), and some people hating it (it got a Crying Congorilla joke from Douglas Wolk, which I found really funny for the Promethea reference).