But I do like sharing some of my sketches that I've accumulated over the years, so here's a few more from my archives.
On the top is a lovely sketch of Omaha the Cat Dancer by Reed Waller from the Chicago Comicon 1993. I was very lucky to meet Reed at that con. Very nice man and super talented. For those of you not familiar with his work, his long-running adult comic Omaha the Cat Dancer has been collected into a series of trade paperbacks. If interested, ask your local A/F. From Wikipedia: "Omaha was written like a sexually explicit soap opera in plot structure and melodrama. It was highly praised for its writing, especially for its confident feminist sensibility. However, it lies firmly within the camp of sex-positive feminism, with the lead character usually enjoying her job as a stripper and preferring it to other careers."
In the middle is my one and only Tim Bradstreet sketch. I have no idea why I have only this one. He was at our store for a signing MANY years ago, I think in 1994, but I received this sketch at the now defunct Capital City Sales Conference (comic retailer show). You may remember Tim's artwork from his many many contributions to White Wolf's World of Darkness RPG books, or his comic book claim to fame: a plethora of Punisher covers.
On the bottom is a fun cowboy sketch from painter extraordinaire: Dave Dorman. I'm not sure why he doodled a cowboy, but it's a cool sketch. I don't recall asking him for anything in particular so that must have been what he was thinking of at the moment. Dave is best known for his large quantity of Star Wars paintings he has done, for the comics, the movies and novels. (He has also painted some lovely Moonstone covers too!)
Well, that's it for this weeks Sketchbook Archives. Next week I will be sharing my Adrian Tomine (Optic Nerve) sketch and others!
Those are some cool sketches, but you know what would be real cool? A haiku by Neil Gaiman.
ReplyDeleteThose are some really cool sketches there Lori. It took me a long time to get in to the groove, but I'm looking forward to getting some good ones at Windy City Comicon in September.
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, if you didn't check it out after Thusday night, check out Let's Be Friends Again (www.letsbefriendsagain.com), the Bendis joke is priceless.
Jason -
ReplyDeleteThank you for wasting a pretty good part of my work-day on Friday by letting me know about "Lets Be Friends Again." The most recent one was very funny.