Saturday June 27th 11am-7pm
Sunday June 28th 11am-5pm
at the Frankfort Amazing Fantasy only
20523 S. La Grange Rd.
Frankfort IL 60423
Let me just say, if you've never ventured out to our annual sidewalk sale, you really should do so. It's a once a year clearance event. We gather misc. overstock and clearance merchandise from all 4 stores, mark it all WAY down and sell it on the SIDEWALK, hence the Annual Sidewalk Sale. You never know what you may find. Usually we have an assortment of 25 cent comics, select graphic novels, lots of manga, action figures, t-shirts, dvd's, statues, Hello Kitty, board games, lots of RPG books, and more! Always worth the trip! In these touch economic times, it's a great way to load up on entertainment without spending a ton of cash!
Amazing Fantasy is proud to host
V for Vendetta co-creator
for a one day only signing!
More details soon!
We do know that it will be Saturday August 1st.
He will be signing first at the Frankfort Amazing Fantasy
and then at the Calumet City Amazing Fantasy later in the day.
David will be on hand to sign books and chat. We will have plenty of copies of the
V for Vendetta TPB for sale as well as plenty of copies of his crime-noir graphic novel Kickback published by Dark Horse, and other his works too.
This is a rare opportunity to meet this incredibly talented British-born artist!
More details soon...
We have a date and time selected for the Marvel 70th Anniversary Party, but details are still forth-coming. I just wanted to give everyone the heads up so they can mark it on their calendar.
This is a Marvel sponsored event. The Frankfort Amazing Fantasy will be participating, and possibly some of our other locations too, again more details soon.
Marvel's 70th Anniversary Party
Tuesday, August 11th
Amazing Fantasy
20523 S. La Grange Rd.
Frankfort, IL 60423
There will be CAKE! A Marvel Trivia contest with prizes, hosted by The Colonel himself! The X-Men may be making a guest appearance! Marvel sales and specials! Plus: this will be a pre-release event for Marvels Project #1 and the Marvel Comics 70th Anniversary Special. Not only will we be able to sell both of these books starting at 9pm that night but we will also have special Anniversary Variant Editions of both of those books ONLY available at this Marvel-sanctioned party! This August 11th marks the 70th Anniversary TO THE DAY that Marvel's very first comic came out, called appropriately enough: Marvel Comics #1.
More details as they become available!
JSA Vs. Kobra Art Team Signing
Saturday, September 12th 12pm-3pm
Amazing Fantasy in Frankfort
Cover Artist: Gene Ha
Penciler: Don Kramer
Inker: Michael Babinski
Colorist: Art Lyon
Come on out to get books signed and chat with the ENTIRE art team on this great DC comic!
Saturday, October 3rd
24 Hour Comic Book Day
For the first time ever Amazing Fantasy will be a venue for this once a year event!
At the Frankfort location, starting at 11am running until
11 am on Sunday, October 4th.
A limited number of spots will be available for artists to come in and draw 24 pages of a comic book in 24 hours. More details soon!
We have other surprises in store, stay tuned for more details!
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